I had been eying a trunk at my in-laws house for several years...It had been in the corner of the garage since I had known my husband, and I thought it would look perfect in the master bedroom. After debating on whether or not I truly wanted it, we took the pick-up truck one Friday night and headed to pick it up. Once we got there, my mother-in-law talked me into taking another one, one that matched some other furniture she had given us,
here. So instead of leaving with the one I went for, I happily ended up with this beauty; knowing it could use some TLC...

You see, there was a dog....the dog met the trunk....and this was the result. The trunk is either Kevin's grandmothers or great-grandmothers (probably something I should find out for sure) either way... it's an antique. I debated on what to do with it, but since there didn't seem to be TOO much of an emotional attachment by family to it, I didn't think I could ruin it. So after 4 months (Yes, I am a procrastinator sometimes!); a few coats of primer and paint, batting & fabric...This is how it turned out:

You can notice that the trim is still beat up on the bottom left hand side, and the upholstery job isn't the BEST, but I was pleased for my first try!
(p.s. I learned the basics of upholstery in Public Speaking class my second year of college. A woman did a demonstration speech on how to upholster a headboard...very cool!)