About 2 months ago I changed the colors in our bedroom (again!) We went with a stark white duvet cover, giant teal blue pillows (from Target on clearance $4.98) and teal curtains ($5 a piece at Freds!) Well, ever since I have been at a lost for Wall Art....until yesterday! I knew I wanted trees... I always want trees! So I started researching "blue tree paintings" and I found this that I just loved....

But, I found it on a blog that a man had painted it for his sister (darn! He wasn't selling them!! I thought!) Then the bright idea popped into my head "Well I can just make it!" So... I did!
I already had my paint from a previous project, I just had to mix it to make the teal color I wanted:

I found some silhouette clip art of trees I liked and just traced them onto a piece of cardstock and cut them out, taped those to my 2 for $10 canvas' from Wal-Mart...

And here's how they turned out:

I still have to mat and frame them... but for under $15 for 2 prints I think they turned out pretty well!
This is an update on this post:
I got these home and they were WAY too blue! So... Here are the new (more Green ones!)
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