Saturday, December 3, 2011

Trunk 'Restoration'

I had been eying a trunk at my in-laws house for several years...It had been in the corner of the garage since I had known my husband, and I thought it would look perfect in the master bedroom. After debating on whether or not I truly wanted it, we took the pick-up truck one Friday night and headed to pick it up. Once we got there, my mother-in-law talked me into taking another one, one that matched some other furniture she had given us, here. So instead of leaving with the one I went for, I happily ended up with this beauty; knowing it could use some TLC...

You see, there was a dog....the dog met the trunk....and this was the result. The trunk is either Kevin's grandmothers or great-grandmothers (probably something I should find out for sure) either way... it's an antique. I debated on what to do with it, but since there didn't seem to be TOO much of an emotional attachment by family to it, I didn't think I could ruin it. So after 4 months (Yes, I am a procrastinator sometimes!); a few coats of primer and paint, batting & fabric...This is how it turned out:

You can notice that the trim is still beat up on the bottom left hand side, and the upholstery job isn't the BEST, but I was pleased for my first try!
(p.s. I learned the basics of upholstery in Public Speaking class my second year of college. A woman did a demonstration speech on how to upholster a headboard...very cool!)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Headboard Monogram

Well, we took a day trip to trusty 'ol IKEA this weekend... It is a 6 hour round trip, so I scoped out the website ahead of time and made a list of everything I wanted. We had visited the one in Cincinnati on our way home at Christmas time after I started getting interested in their stuff while reading my favorite blog. There were several things they had gotten there that I really loved. When we went at Christmas we got a down-alternative comforter (we can't do real down here at the Roberson's... we are hottt sleepers!!) This is the one we ended up with, and LOVE. However, now (during the summer) it's folded up at the foot of the bed and we have a Quilt from Marshall's on there now.
Okay, so back to the original story... Sorry, I got side-tracked. Our trip included picture frames.. I knew I needed to do something different above the bed, but didn't have exactly what I wanted in mind.... However, we did purchase 2 of these and two of these. No real rhyme or reason, that's just what we ended up with, and I knew sometime, somewhere in the house I would use them. So after a few days of deliberating I finally had a "vision" and I wanted a monogram of our initials. I started in Photoshop and was having a hard time getting them to print, so I ended up in good 'ol trusty Microsoft Word, ha!
Anyways, here's the finished product:I thought it looked too "little boy room-ish" but it will stay for now.
Eventually I would like to get new (matching!) furniture, and matching lamps.
I really like this bed from Pottery Barn:

Hey, a girl can dream right!?