Monday, March 14, 2016

DHR Woes & Current Status

Hopefully this will be the only time I feel the need to vent about DHR! (Although I highly doubt it!)
So we have had MJ for a little over a month now....I think it was about Week #3 that was the toughest so far. I think reality had set in with her that she might be with us longer than she originally thought. She was homesick. She visited the school nurse and counselor several times that week.... which by the way have been FANTASTIC!! They have been exactly what she needed, exactly WHEN she needed it. That week was one where I seriously questioned whether this was something we really needed to be doing or not. Homework was a struggle, communication was practically non-existent and frustration levels (on both sides) were at an all-time high. I prayed two nights in a row that God would give me some kind of sign that this was the right direction. After a few days, and lots of prayers things started improving. 1/2 way into week 4 it was like we had a whole new child. She was communicating well, seemed to be very happy, and was beginning to talk about her past to us (which was very disturbing!!!)
During week 3 there was a visit with her new social worker. I was extremely displeased! MJ's case has been turned over to a regular foster care worker now; instead of an ongoing case. As I understand it; an ongoing case means they are still working with the family to do everything possible to prevent removal of the child. Since that did not work; she was placed into care with us.
I was not impressed at all with the new worker (the other one I REALLY liked!!) The new worker acts like she cares absolutely nothing about the feelings or needs of this child. The workers argued IN FRONT of MJ about who would pay for counseling. The new worker tried to urge us to ask the school to push for counseling so that they would have to pay for it instead of DHR. I was so disgusted--I said "I don't care WHO pays for it--it needs to start immediately". MJ has been removed from her home for going on 4-months now.... there is NO REASON why it should take this long to begin services. The worker acted like she didn't even know counseling services were paid for by whoever requested them...I was appalled. Then when original worker asked worker #2 if she wanted to speak to MJ she said, "Well, yes I guess I can".... WHAT! It was like pulling teeth to get her to speak to the child!
Last but not least; she asked when would be a good time to schedule the ISP meeting (individualized service plan for permanency) with DHR, the Mother and us along with Maggie. I said if 3:00 or after didn't work I would need to do it about 8:00 am or so.... Worker #2 threw her hands up in the air and said, "Oh no way, that will NOT work for me".... so that was that. Not something like, "But since it works for both families I can come in for it" or "I will try to work around that". It was just, 'Nope--that won't be happening'. Well okay then--I understand where your priorites lie.
Each email we have received from her since has been one or two words or sentences with zero explanations.

Not that we are concerned, because we had prepared... but we never received the vouchers the day she came to us that were promised; we  received the two-week stipend (that was less $ than they told us it would be); and have yet to receive the board payment. Because MJ had practically nothing when she came to us; it's been a good thing we both have good jobs and a wonderful church family... it would have been practically impossible to provide her everything she's needed without any assistance.

On the bright side; MJ has joined the local softball team and is LOVING it. She is a true natural. She is a really good little ball player; especially for never playing or being part of a team before. She has gotten a health check up, updated on her vaccinations, new glasses, and is going to the dentist's been a whirlwind of a month! When she asked us if she could call us Mom & Dad on Friday evening; it made it all worth it. It truly took me a while to attach because I was not having a heart-connection; but its happened now. If and when she has to leave us; I WILL be devastated now! :( Until then I will enjoy and treasure our time together...praying God continues to touch her heart and works through us so that she may really KNOW Him!