Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shower Organization

One of the projects I worked on while I Facebook Fasted throughout December was organizing the shower. I saw this idea on the Nate Berkus Show, (which I LOOOVE by the way!) Jamie Lee Curtis was visiting his show and showed this is what she does to organize liquids. So I decided I wanted to try it...I bought clear ketchup bottles in the Kitchen utensil isle at Wal-Mart and cut out vinyl letters on my Cricut. I labeled the bottom of the bottles with "S" for Shampoo, "C" for Conditioner, "SO" for Soap and "KL" for Kevin's soap (must be nice to be a man, they can use one liquid for shampoo, soap, AND shaving creme!)

So... Here is what the shower looked like before:
And this is what it looks like now:

The morning after I did this Kevin got in the shower and said, "Okay, I guess I'll use a condiment to wash my hair!!"

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Good Morning!!!
Who's watching Sing-Off???? When we heard it was coming on again this year we did back-flips! Well, not literally...but if we could DO back-flips, I bet we would have! We watched it last year, and was bummed it didn't have more than one season a year! But, it's back! There's even a group from Huntsville called COMMITTED. They are a group from Oakwood University that have been together since high-school and let me just say, THEY ROCK!!! Last night they made it to the finals, which followed 20 phone call votes from our two cell phones! Good Luck Committed!! May God be Glorified!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a Tree

What a wonderful time of year it is! A time to celebrate our Dear Saviors Birth!!!! Thank the good Lord that we don't have to find Christmas under a tree... but remember that this time of year is to celebrate our dear Lord Jesus. When I saw Thrifty Decor Chick requesting Christmas tree pictures, I thought it was the perfect excuse to take some pictures of ours! The first year I lived on my own, I bought a real tree from Marvin's for less than $ was a beautiful tree! I bought a few very cheap sets of lights, and put them on there. I couldn't afford ornaments, so every Christmas card I got I put it on the tree....I did that again the 2nd Christmas I lived on my own, finally the 3rd year I was engaged, inherited some ornaments from family and friends, and was actually able to buy a few! Then when I graduated college Kevin's aunt and cousin generously gave me LOTS of Green ornaments.... So, we've collected ornaments over a period of several years... put still put SOME cards on the tree! Our tree isn't anything special (we always get a real one, and this year is the first year it hasn't been TOO fat!) but it's ours... and we love it! it is: (note the overgrowth that we didn't cut off from under the angel! ;) )
This is one of my favorite ornaments, I made it last year at a church function:
Well... That's all I have for tonight! Hope everyone is having a joyous Holiday season!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

DIY Wall Art

About 2 months ago I changed the colors in our bedroom (again!) We went with a stark white duvet cover, giant teal blue pillows (from Target on clearance $4.98) and teal curtains ($5 a piece at Freds!) Well, ever since I have been at a lost for Wall Art....until yesterday! I knew I wanted trees... I always want trees! So I started researching "blue tree paintings" and I found this that I just loved....
But, I found it on a blog that a man had painted it for his sister (darn! He wasn't selling them!! I thought!) Then the bright idea popped into my head "Well I can just make it!" So... I did!
I already had my paint from a previous project, I just had to mix it to make the teal color I wanted:
I found some silhouette clip art of trees I liked and just traced them onto a piece of cardstock and cut them out, taped those to my 2 for $10 canvas' from Wal-Mart...

And here's how they turned out:I still have to mat and frame them... but for under $15 for 2 prints I think they turned out pretty well!

This is an update on this post:
I got these home and they were WAY too blue! So... Here are the new (more Green ones!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Facebook Fast

Okay, so today is December 1st, 2010.... After reading on a friends Facebook that she fasted from it the whole month of November, I felt God telling me I needed to do the same. I prayed about the situation, and felt the urge to devote my time this Christmas season to remembering the sacrifice he made for me, and celebrate His birth! So, I am fasting from Facebook until December 25th! I logged on last night about 7:30 and posted that I was taking a break.... it hasn't been too awful bad this morning because I had meetings, I will post every now and again telling how it goes.... I'm thinking that maybe God is going to use this time to reveal something very important to me... I told my hubby that everytime I felt the urge to get on Facebook I was going to open my Bible... My how much better off we would all be if each of us would do that.
Anyways, Happy December!!!! Here's to going Facebooklessness!