After being inspired by Katie Bower over at
Bower Power, I decided to make the trek to the local Goodwill to see what I could come up with.... Well, that was an interesting task! The furniture at our Goodwill was OUTRAGEOUSLY priced for second-hand stuff! Therefore, I got discouraged and didn't search anymore for a few weeks. Until I had a bright idea to just peek in the Salvation Army down the street from my office... I found a doozie! The table said $10, when I got to the register she said "Okay, that will be $5!" 50% off at Salvation Army? Scccchhhhweeeetttt!!!! So...
Here is what I ended up with (it only had a FEW mouse droppings and only about 2 inches of dust caked on!)

Then, after a good thick layer of Lysol (really good for the wood I am sure!!!) a REALLY GOOD cleaning, 2 coats of this awesome
primer, and a coat of Valspar white paint... Here's what I got:

It was originally for Kevin's side of the bed, until I realized how tall it was (and how SHORT my current nightstand had been)...Needless to say it is peacefully and happily resting on the right side of the bed.... MY side of the bed! Yes, I know... I MUST do something with those stray cords!
Beautiful job on refinishing your nightstand! I love it when the 2nd hand shops actually have something affordable!!